
Innovate to get to what really matters: you!

What a year! So many innovations, so many new things! We are extremely proud to be able to offer the public a high-quality health centre, and to make sure it continues to progress.  

photo édito - rapport d'activité 2015

In the pages of this document, you will find an overview of all the actions taken in 2015 to improve the quality of hospital stays and to adapt the healthcare system.

You will be surprised by the diversity and innovativeness of the projects undertaken. You will discover some wonderful Swiss and world premières: the PLC capable of preparing chemotherapy, the one-day fertility workup, the revolutionary intracardiac pacemaker, the exciting app that facilitates medication for paediatric cardiac resuscitation. And the list is far from complete. 

In other areas, you will notice the new therapeutic garden in psychiatry, the environmentally friendly washing tunnels for patients' and carers' laundry, and the new hospital unit for prisoners. 

But our successes mustn't distract us from everything we still need to do to continue improving. Our new five-year strategic plan, 20/20 Vision, outlines this approach, which focuses on 
the humanisation of care and relationships with our patients, partners and employees. 

We would like to thank all HUG employees, from 180 different professions, for their outstanding commitment, and to express our gratitude to the authorities, patients and their loved ones for their continued trust.

François Canonica, 
Chairman of the Board

Signature François Canonica

Bertrand Levrat,
Managing Director

Signature Bertrand Levrat



Last update : 29/01/2019