Partnerships and Links

Federal and city of Geneva administration

Medical associations

  • AMG Association des médecins du canton de Genève (Geneva Medical Association)
  • AMIG Association des Médecins d'Institutions de Genève (Association of Institutional Doctors of Geneva)
  • FMH Fédération des médecins suisses (Swiss Medical Association)

Teaching/Research/Research Support

  • Alliance (Industrial partnership program designed to translate the needs of companies into concrete projects. This is a system of cooperation between Western Switzerland university-level institutions (hautes écoles romandes) and the commercial sector (Universities, EPFL, HES, University Hospitals, etc.) intended to develop and support technology transfers to innovative companies, especially SMEs.)
  • BioAlps (Biotech and medical technology: research centers and institutions, laboratories, universities and hospitals, etc.)
  • Campus Biotech
  • Louis-Jeantet Foundation
  • IDS Institut de Droit de la Santé (Institute of Health Law )
  • Swiss-Prot
  • UNITEC (Service created by the University of Geneva for commercial development of the discoveries derived from its research activities. Its purpose is to transfer research results to academia and the local business sector, including SMEs.)

Medicine Faculties

H+ / Clinics / Hospitals (HC)


  • ALASS Association latine pour l'analyse des systèmes de santé (Latin Association for Health System Analysis)
  • ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross)
  • NIH (National Institute of Health)
  • WHO (World Health Organization)
  • SIDIIEF (Secrétariat International des Infirmières et Infirmiers de l'Espace Francophone)

Prevention / Health / Social


  • HOPICLOWNS (Association for improving quality of life in hospitals)
Last update : 01/07/2024