Organization Structure

The HUG Board of directors (FR) plays a key role in hospital strategy, hospital management, and its operating rules. Specifically, it: defines the general organization, real estate policy, supervises internal control, and approves budgets and financial reports. It also appoints the Director general of the HUG. Additionally, a board member serves on the management committee of each of the medical departments. 

Portrait Alain-Dominique Mauris
Mr Alain-Dominique Mauris
Chair of the Board of directors

In accordance with cantonal law K 2 05 (FR), the Board of directors of the HUG holds extensive powers, subject to the jurisdiction of the Grand Council (FR) (local parliament) and the Council of State (FR) (local government) of the Republic and Canton of Geneva. Its tenure spans a period of five years. It is composed of twenty members, including one representative per political party from the Grand Council, appointed by the latter; six members are appointed by the Council of State, while two others are appointed by the Council of State upon recommendation of the Department of Health and Social Action (DSAS) of the canton of Vaud, and of the presidents of the territorial departmental councils of neighbouring France. Finally, the president of the Association of Physicians of the Canton of Geneva, and three members elected by the staff, also sit on the board. It is chaired by a member appointed by the Council of State, and the Geneva Minister for the Department of Health and Mobility (FR) (DSM) participates in the sessions with an advisory vote.


Executive committee

The HUG is managed by an Executive committee (FR) of up to nine members, including members of general management, medical management, care management, and the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Geneva. 

Robert Mardini
Mr Robert Mardini
Chair of the Executive committee

Except for the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, the members of the Executive committee are appointed by the Board of directors. Based upon consultation with the College of chief physicians and chief medical officers, the Medical director is chosen from among the full professors and chief medical officers. The role of the HUG Executive committee is to propose the institution's policy to its Board of directors. Operational decisions are delegated to the Chair of the Executive committee, who is accountable to the Board of directors for the results achieved by HUG.


Medical activities and management

To provide a standard of care in line with patient needs, the HUG operates based on a decentralization of the medical activities and management.

Care, from emergencies to rehabilitation, is dispensed within a framework of ten medical departments (FR) which encompass seventy services, made up, in turn, of units. 

Ten transversal centres ensure the coordination of different specialties around the patient. 

The Operations department covers all logistical, technical, and hospitality functions.

Fifteen departments and services provide all other support functions common to the entire hospital. 

Last update : 06/09/2024