Emergency department

logo - chiffres

Rise in the number of casesgraphique - urgences

In 2016, the total number of cases welcomed at HUG in the adult and paediatric emergency departments rose by 4%: it increased to 66,687 adult patients and 28,348 children.

With regard to paediatrics, the increase is close to 5%. This is due to two phenomena:

  • parents who do not have a paediatrician, especially migrants, or who do not obtain an appointment in the city after their working hours turning to the emergency department in the evening and at weekends
  • effective triage and the text reminder system introduced by HUG, which improve parents’ perception of waiting times.

An emergency every 6 min


mobile application

New mobile application

Allô docteur mon enfant est malade (Hello doctor, my child is sick) is a book written by Prof. Annick Galetto-Lacourt and Alain Gervaix; it is also a website (FR) and, since 2016, a mobile application (FR) that details common children’s diseases and everyday accidents.

It provides invaluable advice and reassures young parents regarding the correct attitude to take when faced with a sick child in order to avoid an unnecessary consultation.








Reduction in waiting times

Despite this constant rise in activity, the waiting time has significantly dropped. For adults and children alike, the most serious emergencies continue to be seen almost immediately.

In the adult emergency department, the time frames have stabilised thanks to the increased hours of the technical facilities, the addition of additional consultation booths, the acceleration of transfers between floors and faster nursing triage. The rate of patients staying in the emergency department for more than 24 hours saw a considerable drop, falling from 10.4% in 2013 to 6.5% in 2016.

To further improve the situation, a project to expand the premises was drawn up in 2016. It should become a reality by 2020.


This is the number of consultations carried out in 2016 at the gynaecological and obstetric emergency department of the HUG Maternity hospital.


433 elderly people

over 75 years old

were seen at the new non-critical emergency department at the Trois-Chêne Hospital between November and December 2016.


ambulance HUG

Last update : 29/01/2024