The HUG values

An institution's values are its beliefs.


The constant pursuit of quality and efficiency guides everyone's daily work.

The common goal of the institution's employees is to provide exceptional service at all levels - medical, nursing, administrative and logistical.


The HUG pursue innovation, excellence and performance in all their fields of activity, whether it be clinical, research or teaching. They work to maintain and develop their national and international reputation, particularly in important, cutting-edge fields.


Patients are the HUG's raison d’être. The organization and operation of our hospitals are adapted to the needs of the users. Employees are always attentive to patient satisfaction and their perception of the quality of services provided.


The HUG want to promote enthusiasm and creativity, and encourage their teams to be responsible and to rise to future challenges. Team solidarity and entrepreneurial culture are part of the construction and promotion of the HUG image. Social, environmental and economic concerns are included in all discussions and decisions made within the institution.

Last update : 16/03/2017