

Modernising our equipment to offer high-performance medicine

HUG has state-of-the-art technical facilities in terms of operating theatres, imaging, biomedical and laboratory equipment.


items of equipment inventoried

From the syringe pump to MRI, there is a wide variety of items of medical, technical and IT equipment. Each year, several million Swiss francs are invested to remain at the cutting edge of technology. In 2017, two new buildings were equipped: almost 25 million Swiss francs were spent on the Gustave Julliard building and over 6 million on the Maternity hospital extension. This concerned all sectors: intensive care and neonatology (FR), the operating theatres, hospitalisation and the support, technical and IT services.
Over 12 million Swiss francs were allocated for the renewal of the radiology facilities in the operating theatres and laboratories.


16 respirators

replaced in adult intensive care

The new model was chosen for the simplicity of its interface and its respiratory performance. It is also equipped with a compact cart with integrated batteries, which makes it easier to transport acute patients.


4 operating microscopes

dedicated to neurosurgery

These microscopes boast all of the functions required for this demanding discipline, in particular a balancing system to guarantee perfect stability and fluorescence modules providing enhanced viewing of vessels and tumours. They are ready to be upgraded to augmented reality.


8 examinations

per day instead of 4

The capacity of the new mobile unit has doubled. This unit travels to Chaux-de-Fonds Hospital three or four days a week and to the Nord Vaudois imaging centre in Yverdon-les-Bains one or two days a week. 


7  endoscope washers

After each procedure, the endoscope is treated in order to prevent any risk of infection for the patient. Changing the endoscope washer-disinfectors has automated this retreatment phase. The decontamination time is optimized and the applicable standards met.


200 electrocardiographs 

replaced in two years

From now on, electrocardiogram paper traces are almost a thing of the past at HUG. Throughout 2016 and 2017, HUG rolled out a new standard of ECG recorder and the associated IT integration. Each ECG exam conducted is saved in the patient’s computerised file on a long-term basis


30 images per second

Two mobile fluoroscopy models, chosen for their very low radiation exposure of patients and staff, were selected: one for orthopaedic surgery and the other for cardiovascular surgery. The frame rate can be adjusted between 0.5 and 30 images/second for high-quality images. 


Last update : 09/07/2024