The next steps


Bd de la Cluse 30
1205 Genève

Begoña Martinez de Tejada Weber
Begoña Martinez de Tejada Weber
Médecin-cheffe de service

Contact your midwife

During your pregnancy, you have chosen the midwife who will support you as soon as you leave the maternity ward. After giving birth, contact her again to inform her of the birth of your baby and to schedule her first visit.

Make an appointment with the pediatrician

During your pregnancy, you will have made initial contact with a pediatrician. After the birth of your baby, call him or her to fix your first appointment.

Inform your employer of the birth

Inform your employer of the news. Your maternity leave begins when your child is born. It lasts 98 days (14 weeks) from the day it was granted. If you return to work sooner, this right ceases to exist.

You will receive up to 80% of your salary in the form of a maternity allowance, but not more than 196 francs a day. Cantonal provisions, staff regulations and collective labor agreements may provide for more generous benefits.

Announce the birth to the health insurance

Your baby should be insured against illness from birth, but you have a period of three months to establish contract with the health insurance. Your child will then be insured retroactively from its day of birth. It is also possible that you have already taken the necessary steps during your pregnancy. If this is not the case, the competent communal or cantonal service will contact you to remind you to insure your child.

Home support

When you return home, you will receive visits and support from a midwife. Ten visits are reimbursed without medical prescription, currently even up to sixteen in some cases until the 56th day. Beyond this, additional visits can be made on prescription. If you are breastfeeding, up to three consultations are covered by the basic health insurance (without co-payment or participation).

Contact an independent midwife

Midwife Arcade : A reception desk is open from Monday to Saturday. A hotline is provided by a midwife at +41(0)22 329 05 55.

Claim your right to family allowances

Family allowances are paid on request. If you are an employee, send your application to your employer who will then pay your monthly allowance at the same time as your salary. If you are self-employed, apply to the Family Allowances Compensation Fund. If you are not in paid employment, send it to the Geneva Compensation Fund (managed by the Cantonal Social Insurance Office).

You are also entitled to a birth allowance, provided that you have been legally domiciled in Switzerland throughout your pregnancy. Additional information can be obtained from the Geneva Compensation Fund.

If you are facing financial difficulties after the birth of your child, you can contact your local social services or those of the Maternity 
Tel : +41(0)22 372 41 09


Get in contact again with the administrative authority you contacted during your pregnancy (municipality of your home town, BIPE, day care) to find out if you can reserve a child care place for your child.

Schedule the postpartum check-up

Contact your gynecologist to schedule your postpartum check-up 4-6 weeks after delivery.

Last update : 19/09/2024