Bottle feeding


Bd de la Cluse 30
1205 Genève

Begoña Martinez de Tejada Weber
Begoña Martinez de Tejada Weber
Médecin-cheffe de service

L’alimentation au biberonFor personal or medical reasons, you have decided not to breastfeed or to stop breastfeeding.

In the absence of stimulation, the amount of milk you produce will diminish. However, if lactation does not stop on its own, or if your breasts are sore, talk to the maternity team or your midwife.

Please note that she will assist you and will be happy to help you with any questions related to bottle feeding.

The choice of infant formula

There are various types of infant formula milk on the market. They are made from cow’s milk and are adapted to the needs and age of your child. If necessary, ask your pediatrician for advice.

The rhythm of feeding

The rhythm of a bottle-fed baby usually differs from that of a breastfed baby. On average, they require 6 to 8 meals a day and an interval of at least 2 hours between baby bottles. Before you go home, the maternity care team will tell you how much milk to give your baby, how to prepare bottles, how to clean and store them, and how to sterilize them.

For further information : Guide de préparation de biberons de lait en poudre (Guide to preparing baby milk bottles)

Last update : 11/04/2019