The couple


Bd de la Cluse 30
1205 Genève

Begoña Martinez de Tejada Weber
Begoña Martinez de Tejada Weber
Médecin-cheffe de service

Becoming parents, staying a couple

The arrival of a child brings many changes to everyday life. It can cause upheavals to emotions, relationships and intimacy. A time of adjustment is needed to find the right balance and reconcile parenthood and married life.

Intimate life

Between the fatigue related to pregnancy and childbirth, the interrupted nights and caring for the baby, sometimes it takes a little time for sexual desire to return. Dialogue, paying attention to each other and mutual support will help create a climate favorable to intimacy. In case of difficulties, professionals can help you.

Cultivate communication

You are now responsible for your child. This may worry you and put a strain on the management of daily life with baby care, a professional career, finding time for yourself and sharing of household chores. As a couple you will have to adapt and put up with moments of tension and conflict in the months following the birth. That’s why it is important to maintain good communications between you, to continue to show interest in each other, to listen to your respective needs while formulating your own limitations and, finally, to mutually support each other. And if you feel you need help at this vulnerable time, contact a professional.


The return of fertility is hard to predict, because ovulation can occur before the return of menstruation, even as soon as four weeks after the delivery. So please note that breastfeeding does not protect
you from pregnancy. If you do not want another pregnancy, use contraception as soon as you have sex.

Different methods are available depending on your situation, your preferences, the feeding of your baby and any medical constraints. Your gynecologist, midwife or sexual health counsellor will answer
any questions you may have and help you in your choice, which can also be re-discussed at any time.

In the event of insufficiently protected or unprotected sex, use emergency contraception as soon as possible.
More information : Contraception

Last update : 09/07/2024