Mediation Unit

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When should you consult the mediation unit?   

Have you encountered a problem at the hospital which you have not been able to resolve?

At HUG, we have a highly experienced team of coordinators. You can discuss your concerns with them, in complete confidence and for as long as you need. You will be able to express your views and discuss your personal experiences, as a patient or as a relative.

Finding a solution

The coordinators can bring everyone involved together through dialog, giving them a proper understanding of your situation. Once problems have been identified, they are often easier to resolve.

If necessary, with your agreement, we can establish direct contact with the services or people concerned, in order to work with them to find a solution, or answers to your questions.


Any information you give will remain strictly anonymous.

How can we make dialog easier?

Communication problems between patients and caregivers are common in hospital. Here are some tips for improving that dialog.

Ask for your consultant card

This card contains the names and phone numbers of the doctor and nurse responsible for your care.

Should you talk to the care team?

If you or your relatives encounter a problem, do not hesitate to discuss it, as a priority, with your Attending Physician or with your Referring Nurse. This tends to iron out any difficulties in the majority of cases.

If there is a serious problem, you can request an interview with the Senior Resident and the Nurse responsible for General Care on the unit, or you can contact the Head of Division.

Read me:To help put you at ease when dealing with your doctor, and to feel confident asking for explanations if you do not understand, take a look at our booklet: “You and your doctor, the key to better communication”

Available  on line (FR) and at the Mediation Unit

Help us to communicate better

Even though HUG pays careful attention to all aspects of the health and wellbeing of people admitted to hospital, it is possible that we may not always meet your expectations.

Your experience is important

In order to improve the quality and safety of care, we keep an anonymous record of your complaints in a database This information
is very useful to us. It allows us to identify where things are going wrong and to put forward measures for improvement.

We want to hear your suggestions

We welcome your proposals and comments, as a way of improving the services we offer at our facility. Simply fill out the postage-paid card provided, which is inserted into the booklet: ‘A guide for inpatients at HUG’. Your ideas will be carefully considered by the Mediation Unit coordinators with regard to the services concerned.

Useful information


Building Gustave Julliard, Rue Alcide-Jentzer 17, 1205 Genève
(Arcade HUG, first floor)
Corinne Héritier-Castella et Véronique Kolly
Mediation Unit Coordinators
T +41 (0)22 372 22 28
F +41 (0)22 372 22 29

Opening hours

Walk-in or by appointment
Monday, Thursday and Friday, 1pm-4pm
Tuesday 10am-1pm
Wednesday 4pm-7pm

Other ways to express your views

Write to the HUG General Management
Rue Gabrielle-Perret-Gentil 4,
CH- 1211 Genève 14

File a complaint to the official body in Geneva which monitors health professions and patients’ rights, la Commission de surveillance des professions de la santé et des droits des patients
Bd Helvétique 27
CH-1207 Genève
T +41 (0)22 546 89 50


Pour être plus à l’aise face à votre médecin et oser lui demander des explications si vous ne comprenez pas, consultez la brochure Vous et votre médecin, des clefs pour mieux communiquer


Patient ou patiente partenaire

En tant que bénéficiaire des prestations des HUG, votre expérience vous permet d'exprimer votre ressenti par rapport à votre prise en charge.

Vos suggestions nous intéressent

Vos suggestions sont importantes pour améliorer la qualité de nos services. L’espace médiation est à votre écoute pour recueillir vos propositions ou vos idées.

Votre expérience est utile

Dans le but d’améliorer la qualité et la sécurité des soins, vos témoignages sont retranscrits dans une base de données de manière anonyme. Ces informations sont très utiles. Elles permettent d’identifier des dysfonctionnements et de proposer des mesures d’améliorations.

Autres moyens pour s'exprimer

Ecrire à la Direction générale des HUG
Rue Gabrielle-Perret-Gentil 4,
CH- 1211 Genève 14

Informations pratiques

L’espace médiation dispose de quatre lieux d’écoute et de dialogue dédiés à la patientèle ou à ses proches.

Entretien sur rendez-vous :

Espace médiation de l’Hôpital
Bâtiment Gustave Julliard, Rue Alcide-Jentzer 17, 1205 Genève
(Arcade HUG, 1e étage)

Espace médiation de l’Hôpital des Trois-Chêne 
Ch. du Pont-Bochet 3, 1226 Thônex

Espace médiation de l’Hôpital de Bellerive
Ch. de la Savonnière 11, 1245 Collonge-Bellerive

Espace médiation de l’Hôpital  de Loëx
Rte de Loëx 151, 1233 Bernex

T +41 (0)22 372 22 28
Courriel :

Médiatrices hospitalières
Corinne Héritier-Castella, Véronique Kolly, et Monique Delhez


Télécharger la brochure en format PDF Espace médiation

Last update : 03/11/2023