Sources of support can mean the small associations working with volunteers or institutions with greater resources. They offer general information on the illness, without taking the place of doctors, and can offer practical, material, psychological, social or legal support.
Books, ebooks, reviews, health portals:
Find out more at the library of the University of Geneva (FR)
site Uni CMU, University Medical Centre
Av. de Champel 9, Phone : 022 379 50 90
For people affected by multiple sclerosis and their relatives. Support/welfare/ legal assistance.
Website : Alliance SEP - Genève Région (FR) / Société suisse de la sclérose en plaques (DE)
Alzheimer Association Switzerland – Geneva section (FR)
Follow-up and support for patients and their relatives.
Phone : 022 788 27 08
Association Genevoise des Diabétiques (FR)
Consultations about diet by appointment. Activity and support groups.
Phone : 022 329 17 77
Association Savoir Patient (FR)
Combines knowledge and expertise on behalf of breast and prostate cancer patients.
Phone : 022 379 49 76 or 022 379 49 78
Cancer Support Switzerland
Anyone affected by cancer. Emotional support, practical help, well-being activities, and a welcoming community.
All free of charge, in English.
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10 am to 1 pm, or by appointment.
Phone : +41 22 723 22 31
Email :
Geneva Red Cross (FR)
Health & Training Section. Mutual support groups for people suffering bereavement, depression, etc.; support for relatives of Alzheimer’s patients.
Phone : 022 304 04 04
Fragile (FR)
Support for people affected by head injury and their relatives.
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, 10 am to 1 pm
Phone : 078 683 25 43
Helpline : 0800 256 256
Groupe Sida Genève (FR)
Geneva’s AIDS Group offers follow-up/support, mutual support groups, welfare/legal assistance, material aid.
Monday – Friday, 9 – 12 am and 2 – 4 pm
Phone : 022 700 15 00
Helpline : 0840 715 715 (daily 9 am – 4 pm)
General Hospice (FR)
Cours de Rive 12
Phone : 022 420 52 00
Ligue genevoise contre le cancer (FR)
The Geneva League against Cancer provides follow-up/ support, material aid, support for relatives.
Phone : 022 322 13 33
Espace Médiane (left bank)
Monday 11 am – 5 pm
Tuesday – Friday, 11 am – 7 pm
Rue Leschot 11
Espace Médiane (right bank)
Monday – Friday, 12 am – 4 pm
Rue des Grottes 20
Ligue genevoise contre le rhumatisme (FR)
League Against Rheumatism is for people – children and adults – living with bone and joint problems. Follow-up/support, mutual support groups, welfare/ legal assistance.
Phone : 022 718 35 55
Ligue pulmonaire genevoise (FR)
Geneva Lung Association for people – patients and their relatives – coping with disorders of the respiratory channels. Follow-up/support, mutual support groups and material aid.
Monday – Friday, 8.30 – 12 am and 1 – 5 pm (by appointment).
Phone : 022 309 09 90
Parkinson Suisse (FR)
Monday – Friday, 1.30 – 5 pm
Western Switzerland office, Phone : 021 729 99 20
Parkinson Genève, Phone : 022 789 19 57
Pro Infirmis Genève (FR)
For people coping with mental or physical handicap. Support/follow-up, welfare/ legal/material assistance, support for relatives.
Monday – Friday, 9 – 12 am and 2 – 5 pm except Tuesday. afternoon.
Phone : 022 737 08 08
Pro Mente Sana (FR)
For people affected by mental illness and their relatives. Social/legal assistance.
Telephone help Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, 10 am – 1 pm, Phone : 0840 0000 60
Psychosocial advice, Phone : 0840 0000 62
Legal advice, Phone : 0840 0000 61
Prosca (FR)
For people affected by prostate cancer and their relatives support.
Hotline : 022 322 13 13
Pro Senectute (FR)
For ‘senior citizens’ and their relatives. Welfare/ legal/financial assistance and support for relatives.
Phone : 022 807 05 65
Vivre comme avant (FR)
For women affected by breast cancer, ‘Live as Before’ offers follow-up/ support.
Helpline : 078 613 98 34
Phone : 079 210 80 92
Other useful addresses
Association pour la permanence de défense des patients et des assurés (APAS)
An association safeguarding the interests of patients and insured persons. Offers advice on patient rights, legal proceedings and insurance.
Monday to Friday, 10 – 12.30 am and 2 – 6 pm
Phone : 022 786 35 11
Bureau central d’aide sociale
The central social security office provides drop-in legal advice on health insurance, benefits for loss of earnings and accident insurance.
Tuesday, 11 am – 6 pm
Telephone advice line, Friday : 022 310 20 55
HUG Mediation Unit
Available to listen to patients and their relatives
Rue Gabrielle-Perret-Gentil 4
Phone : 022 372 22 28
Geneva Domiciliary Support Institution (imad) (FR)
Phone : 022 420 20 00
Swiss Patients’ Organization (FR)
Advises patients and insured persons in medical matters.
Telephone consultations Friday am and Monday, and Wednesday.
Phone : 022 372 22 22