4. Patient - oriented quality – QUAP®

Since 2012, Geneva University Hospitals have been running a program called QuaP®, for Patient-Oriented Quality. This concept, originally from the US, consists of encouraging the sharing of experience between managers and care unit teams. One Friday a month, senior healthcare and administrative staff, in pairs, meet the teams from care units.

The aim of these visits is to reinforce a shared culture of quality among all professionals and to promote interaction and dialogue. Senior managers visit healthcare units in fields outside of their expertise, to encourage the sharing of experience and to discuss the difficulties encountered. They also meet patients to find out their point of view.

The Quap® program now covers all 113 of the HUG's hospitalization units. In just four years, 846 visits have been made, with each unit being visited an average of once or twice a year. The results of these meetings are made available to the units in order to share good exportable ideas with other teams.

Last update : 23/05/2018