3. Developing skills through simulation

Simulation has long been in place at the HUG, as part of SimulHUG programs set up in fields such as anesthesia, surgery, pediatrics, obstetrics (FR), neonatology (FR) and the ER.

The Maternity Hospital was the first to test this technique, borrowed from the aviation world. The Ensemble program is used to improve communications within the healthcare team. Now this teaching technique is incorporated into our approach so that medical and healthcare teams can practice different emergency obstetric scenarios, using sophisticated manikins. Simulation expands on theoretical knowledge and technical procedures and builds good inter-professional communication. All of which are essential tools in the delivery room. What's more, this teaching method involves the standardized, regular and repeated practice of rare or routine obstetric situations, all while fostering teamwork.

In 2017, the HUG joined the pool of partners of the Swiss inter-professional simulation center (CiS). The center brings together its founding members - the University of Geneva Faculty of Medicine (UNIGE) and the Geneva School of Health (HEdS) - and will be joined in 2019 by the Geneva Homecare Institution (imad).

Created in 2013 and the only one of its kind in Switzerland, the CiS blends state-of-the-art technology using advanced simulation models with a human approach, using actors as simulated patients. Across its 1,200 sqm premises, the CiS re-enacts hundreds of medical scenarios, all inspired by real events. It is truly an inter-professional approach, since doctors, midwives, nurses, medical radiology technicians, physiotherapists, dieticians, pharmacists and other healthcare professionals all work there every day on common issues and using shared equipment.

In neonatology, doctors train on a baby-sized manikin to better prepare for critical situations.

And finally, during their first week of joining the HUG, every new doctor and nurse takes training in basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation techniques, carried out on manikins. A training defibrillator with integrated scenarios is also available.

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La simulation médicale : une révolution pour mieux soigner
Last update : 29/01/2024