Cardiovascular Center

The Cardiovascular Center's emphasis is on care but also prevention. Cardiovascular diseases affect us all more than ever. Our increasingly sedentary lifestyles, a breakneck pace of life leading to stress, an unbalanced diet: these are some of the risk factors that can be acted upon, preventively and therapeutically.

The Cardiovascular Center's mission is to offer multidisciplinary support for cardiovascular diseases in order to improve quality of care. Support is organized around the patient to ensure diagnostic investigations and treatment under the best conditions and in a timely manner.

The first support project in the form of a clinical itinerary involves coronary artery disease, both acute and chronic. Regardless of the division that begins the treatment, the patient is guaranteed to get the same care adapted to his or her issue, thanks to a concerted effort from all specialists and the sharing of knowledge on the latest therapeutic advancements.

These itineraries are a commitment to quality, both in patient care and the networking of skills. The next clinical itinerary involves patients suffering from peripheral arterial disease and will be implemented in 2013.

Divisions affiliated with the Cardiovascular Center are as varied as Angiology and Hemostasis, Pediatric and Adult Cardiology, Nuclear Medicine, Cardiovascular Surgery, Interventional Radiology, Emergency, Endocrinology, Diabetes or even Neuroradiology.

In addition to the care that patients benefit from directly, the cardiovascular center is also responsible for organizing and promoting postgraduate training in the field of cardiovascular diseases as well as implement clinical research protocols.

Pr Marc Righini
Professor Marc Righini
Head of Center
Last update : 27/08/2024