Incisional hernia



  • Surgery Department
    The Division of Digestive Surgery
    Rue Gabrielle-Perret-Gentil 4
    1205 Geneva - Suisse

    Monday to Friday from 9:30 am -11:30 am and from 14:00 pm - 16:00 pm

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Christian Toso
Christian Toso
Head of Division

An incisional hernia is a hernia that protrudes through an old surgical incision (hernia on a scar). According to some studies, they occur in 3% to 20% of people who have had abdominal surgery.

The risk factors are ageing, obesity, smoking, malnutrition and/or problems with tissue strength.

The diagnosis is most often based on physical examination, but sometimes an ultrasound or an abdominal CT scan become necessary to clearly define the hernia and its size

Surgical treatment of symptomatic incisional hernias

Incisional hernias that are asymptomatic can simply be followed-up. In contrast, symptomatic incisional hernias should be surgically managed.

Repair of incisional hernia is most often performed under anesthesia with hospitalization. It can be performed by laparotomy or by laparoscopy with or without robotic assistance. With rare exceptions, a mesh is put in place to prevent any recurrence.

Open surgery of the abdomen
A surgical technique using small incisions and insertion of a camera
Last update : 04/01/2022