

  • Surgery Department
    The Division of Digestive Surgery
    Rue Gabrielle-Perret-Gentil 4
    1205 Geneva - Suisse

    Monday to Friday from 9:30 am -11:30 am and from 14:00 pm - 16:00 pm

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Christian Toso
Christian Toso
Head of Division

Frequently asked questions

What medications should I take in case of pain ?

You can take paracetamol, in orodispersible form (to be placed under the tongue) the first month, and thereafter in tablet form to swallow. 

Are there any medications that I should avoid ?

Because of their adverse effects on the stomach, anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID, such as Brufen ®, Irfen ®, Voltaren ®), aspirin an corticosteroids should be avoided for life. After a gastric bypass procedure, these drugs can cause severe ulcers and sometimes a life-threating perforation (i.e. hole) in the connection between the gastric pouch and the small bowel, which requires emergent surgery.

Should I continue my medication for diabetes and hypertension ?

Your treatment will be adapted by your general practitioner and/or by your diabetologist. As you lose weight, you should expect positive changes in your blood sugar and blood pressure, which often require decreasing the doses of or stopping your medications.

How fast does weight loss happen ?

In most patients, weight loss is very rapid in the first month and then slows down. Usually, three months after the procedure, you will have lost half of your expected weight loss. Thereafter, weight loss will continue more slowly for up to 12 months. For example, if you lose 20 kg in the three first months after surgery, you will have lost 40 kg in total after one year.

After one year, moderate weight regain is possible (about 10% of the initial total loss). In our example, this means a weight regain of approximately 4 kg.

What shall I  do to prevent weight regain ?

Adopting sustainable, healthy eating habits and follow-up by a dietician is essential. Physical activity starting 4 weeks after the procedure is strongly recommended. Group meetings are organized for patients who underwent weight loss surgery to help controlling weight regain. To register, please ask your dietician.

What is the “dumping syndrome” ?

Abdominal pain (cramps) associated with sweating, weakness and sometimes diarrhoea, should evoke the "dumping syndrome". This syndrome can appear after a gastric bypass and is due to the rapid ingestion of fatty or sweet food, or the ingestion of solid foods mixed with liquids (drinking while eating). The syndrome creates discomfort but it is not dangerous. If you suffer from these symptoms, please contact the healthcare team for an appointment with a dietician to be reminded of standard eating recommendations after weight loss surgery and to receive useful tips about how to avoid the dumping syndrome. 

When shall I seek urgent medical attention ?

In case of intense, sudden and continuous pain (unrelated to your diet) or fever without rapid relief after taking painkillers, you should seek urgent medical attention. Immediately contact the Division of Digestive Surgery or your general practitioner, and go to the nearest emergency department.  

Can I get pregnant after weight loss surgery ?

Yes, pregnancy is possible. However, it is recommended to wait for at least 18 to 24 months after the procedure. Close monitoring of your nutritional status should be performed by your obstetrician and your bariatric team, and potential vitamin deficiencies should be corrected before, during and after pregnancy.

Should I permanently quit smoking ?

Yes, it is strongly recommended to permanently quit smoking in order to avoid the occurrence of complications.

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Last update : 05/01/2022