Vaccination contre la dengue
Un vaccin contre la dengue, Qdenga®, vient d'être validé par SwissMedic.
Toutefois, sur la base des données disponibles et conformément aux recommandations de l'OMS, le Comité d'experts suisse pour la médecine des voyages (CEMV) ne recommande actuellement la vaccination avec Qdenga® qu'aux voyageurs ayant déjà été infectés par la dengue par le passé et séjournant dans des régions où la transmission de dengue est élevée.
Pour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter ce lien.
You can attend your tropical and travel medicine consultation before you depart or on your return.
Consultation before your departure
- This will include advice on prevention and on the appropriate vaccinations for your trip (vaccines are available in the Division).
- An update of the recommended vaccinations is undertaken.
- COVID vaccines can be given with or at any interval from another vaccination
Information related to the monkeypox epidemic: The vaccine against smallpox (monkeypox) is NOT available at the HUG.
Consultation by appointment only (payment on the day).
A coronavirus screening can also be obtained here but only for asymptomatic individuals prior to departing on a trip by clicking on the following link : COVID test at the HUG
- As entry requirements change daily, we are happy to advise you. However, it is the responsibility of each traveller to check with the relevant authorities of the destination country.
- If you have any questions, please use the following link: Covid
Useful information to prepare for your consultation
- What should I bring ?
- Your vaccination booklet
- Your travel itinerary (ideally 4 to 6 weeks before your departure)
- What are the costs ?
- Consultations for travel preparation and vaccinations are at the expense of the traveller and must be paid for on the day in cash (CHF) or by card (Maestro, V PAY, Postcard, Visa, Mastercard, Twint, American Express, Diners).
- Prices are approximate and given as an indication. The cost of the consultation is not included in the cost of the vaccines and is added to the total bill: Price list
Vaccinations are not paid for by basic medical insurance (LAMal) but are sometimes covered by supplementary insurance. Please remember to check this with your insurance.
Appointment bookings by telephone are only available for :
- Immunosuppressed individuals (and/or under prednisone for example)
- Some organisations have an institutional agreement with the Division of Tropical and Humanitarian Medicine
Tel : 022 372 96 15
Information and advice related to travel trips are not given over the telephone. If you want any additional information about your trip, please consult the HealthyTravel website.
Telephone answering machines are also available to you for more general information by continent for Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean :
Tel : 022 372 96 02
Tel : 022 372 96 03
Latin America and the Caribbean
Tel : 022 372 96 04
Consultation after your return
This is targeted at :
- people who become sick on returning from a trip or in the weeks following a trip.
- people who think they are suffering from a tropical disease that has either been imported or from a parasitic disease (these diseases manifest most often through diarrhea, fever, skin rash or other symptoms).
Consultation is by appointment only on 022 372 96 15
- Les vaccins Covid-19 NE SONT PAS disponibles dans le Service de la médecine tropicale et humanitaire.
- Veuillez consulter ce lien pour toutes les informations nécessaires
- Le vaccin contre la variole du singe N'EST PAS disponible dans le Service de la médecine tropicale et humanitaire
- Veuillez consulter ce lien pour toutes les informations nécessaires