Termination of pregnancy

Gynecology Division

Boulevard de la Cluse 30
1205 Genève

Patrick Petignat
Patrick Petignat
Head of division

The HUG Gynecology Division welcomes all women and girls seeking termination of a pregnancy.

When faced with an unexpected or unwanted pregnancy, the physicians and nursing staff of the office support you, listen to you, and support you in your approach and your choice so that you can exercise your rights and terminate the pregnancy in the best possible conditions.


Termination of a pregnancy is an intimate and personal procedure, which essentially is about you.

Like any medical procedure, you have the right to confidentiality. The health professionals are obliged to respect professional confidentiality, which is also called medical privacy.


Appointment request (requests, cancellations, changes)Tel. +41 (0)22 372 44 00


1st contact

The first contact makes it possible to evaluate your situation as a whole and to provide you with listening, advice, and support to guide you in your decision, choice of method, and scheduling of the termination.

Termination of pregnancy 

The procedure is performed either surgically or medically. The physician talks with you about starting or changing a contraception.

Required medical check-up 

You are asked to come to a check-up 2 to 3 weeks (medical abortion) or 4 to 6 weeks (surgical abortion) later.

This consultation ensures the success of the procedure, asks about your experience, and defines or confirms the contraceptive choices that were put in place right after the intervention.


Surgical abortion

This method takes place over one day. It involves aspirating the uterine content under general anesthesia. It is only performed on pregnancies 7 to 12 weeks of gestation.

Medical abortion 

This method involves taking, in the presence of a health professional, an initial medication (Mifégyne® [mifepristone]) to stop the pregnancy. Then, 36 to 48 hours later, you are hospitalized for one day to take the second medication, Cytotec® [misoprostol]. This second medication triggers contractions and the expulsion of the pregnancy. This method can be used until the 9th week of gestation.

Medical abortion at home

Only patients who meet specific criteria can use this method. These criteria are evaluated during the first consultation. The method is identical to the medical abortion explained above, except that Cytotec® is taken at home and only abortions prior to 9 weeks of gestation are involved.

Read the article “L’IVG, aussi à domicile” [Abortion, also at home], Pulsations, March-April 2015, page 4.


According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), up to 9 weeks of gestation, the medical method is recommended, as it is considered less invasive.

Assumption of costs

According to Articles 30 of the LAMal and 119 of the Swiss Penal Code, voluntary terminations of pregnancy are covered by basic health insurance after deductible and co-pay (10% of the costs), regardless of the method selected.

More information

Last update : 11/07/2024