Gynecological check-up

Gynecology Division

Boulevard de la Cluse 30
1205 Genève

Patrick Petignat
Patrick Petignat
Head of division

The HUG Gynecology Division welcomes women who want to undergo a gynecological check-up.

The gynecological check-up: your annual prevention and screening appointment

The gynecological check-up is an important appointment, because it lets you and your doctor focus on your gynecological health and discuss:

  • your contraception
  • your sexuality and relationship with your partner
  • your menstrual cycle and your periods
  • a pregnancy plan
  • questions about fertility
  • the menopause
  • any other questions you may have.

It also allows for exploration of any gynecological symptoms or problems (pelvic pain, problems with your cycle, abnormal discharge, itching, etc.) in order to offer a diagnosis.

Through screening, the check-up prevents or detects conditions such as sexually transmitted diseases - STDs, breast cancer, cervical cancer, etc.

Are you an adolescent who has questions about your body or your sexuality?Contact the Adolescents Office of the Gynecology Division 


When should you have a gynecological check-up? 

You should have your first gynecological check-up when you first become sexually active, then every year or as needed for symptoms.

What happens at the consultation?

The physician who sees you asks questions about your health, the medications you are taking, your lifestyle, your sexuality, and your personal and family medical history. This information is important to identify your needs and your possible risk factors.

During the consultation, the physician takes your blood pressure, records your weight and your height, and performs a clinical breast exam to check for any abnormalities. Depending on the results of the clinical breast exam, the physician prescribes additional breast exams. 

The physician also performs a pelvic exam and performs a Pap smear, collection of a sample of cells from the cervix that is done to screen for cervical cancer. Depending on the results of these tests, the physician prescribes additional gynecological tests.


To make an appointment for a gynecological check-up

Contact the Gynecology Office

More information

Last update : 10/07/2024