Strategic Area 1: Climate and health

Sustainability office


Sophie Meisser
Sophie Meisser
Head of the Sustainability office

The challenges


Climate change and environmental degradation affect the health of the population, particularly the disadvantaged. For the HUG, the challenges are multiple :

  • to anticipate the spread of diseases and how often they occur
  • to adapt the infrastructure to climate change
  • reduce the hospitals’ direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions.

The ambition


The HUG are committed to moving towards Net zero emission in hospital activities. In order to achieve this ambition, they intend to adopt a climate action plan and objectives for 2030 and 2050, in order to reduce their direct and indirect emissions and the impact of climate change on their activities and on healthcare.

The 2030 targets

  1. Establish and implement a climate plan
  2. Reduce energy consumption
  3. Produce and increase the use of renewable energy
  4. Promote sustainable building construction and renovation
  5. Reduce the effects of heatwaves and promote biodiversity
  6. Increase the use of sustainable mobility for commuting
  7. Reduce the environmental impact of business travel
  8. Quantify the environmental impact of care units and medical and nursing practices
  9. Integrate the environmental dimension into medical and nursing practices 
  10. Adopt more sustainable management of medication
  11. Reduce the use of single-use medical equipment

Some of the HUG’s 2025 commitments

  • Adopt a climate action plan
  • Renovate the last stage of the Maternity Hospital
  • Integrate sustainability criteria into projects, especially major projects
  • Install 4,200 m2 of additional solar panels
  • Increase the green areas on the Cluse Roseraie site by 10%
  • Reduce individual motorized transport by 10%
  • Reduce emissions from air travel business trips by 50%
  • Reduce anesthetic gas emissions by 70%
  • Reduce the amount of drugs disposed of by 20%

Progress on the 2025 Action Plan


Just over a year since the launch of the sustainability strategy, find out how we’ve progressed with the actions that contribute to achieving the Climate and Health axis goals.

24 actions underway | 2 actions completed | 3 actions to initiate

A few achievements

picto - réduire les consommations d'énergie

Reduce energy consumption

  • Roof renovation of the general services building  (836m2)
  • Energy-saving campaigns winter 2022-2023 
    • 1.37 GWh of electricity savings  (-4.9%)
    • 1.73 GWh of heating savings  (-2.6%)

picto - produire et consommer des énergies renouvelables

Production and consumption of renewable energy

  • Commissioning the 11th photovoltaic rooftop (465m2, general services building)
  • Investment loan of CHF 55 million investment approved for the transition to renewable energy for the four boiler plants and the heating networks

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picto - recours à la mobilité durable

Increase the use of sustainable mobility for commuting

  • 60% of HUG staff are eco-mobile
  • Achievement of the « eco-mobile institution » label
  • + 202 bike parking spaces (+11% compared to 2021)

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picto - dimension environnementale

Integrate the environmental dimension into medical and nursing practices

  • Creation of a Head of ecological transition in care position
  • Discontinued use of Desflurane, an anaesthetic gas with a high climate impact in the Anaesthesiology Department. 

More info

Last update : 03/11/2023