What can we offer?
- Short training and university diploma work,
- Possibly research work leading to PhD degree,
- Post doc positions for young and motivated researchers interested to work on our current projects.
Actually, there are no open positions. However, we are always interested by new collaborations. So, don't hesitate to contact me to discuss possible opportunities. We are awaiting the decision for possible financial support from funding organisations in Switzerland and Europe. There might also be a possibility to obtain suport from the usual channels like:
- Swiss Government Excellennce Scholarships for Foreign Scholars (lien brisé)
- Swiss National Foundation through its Advanced Postdoc.Mobility fellowships (lien brisé) or Marie Heim-Vogtlin (lien brisé) programs
- SystemsX.ch
- Geneva University
- International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
- Swiss qualification program - BNF
- International Foundation for Science
- SSSN/IBRO fellowships (lien brisé)
- International Union Against Cancer fellowships (UICC)
We can help you in applying for such grants, please do not hesitate to contact :
Habib ZAIDI, Ph.D
Division of Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging
Geneva University Hospital
CH-1211 Geneva 14 , SWITZERLAND
Voice: + 41 22 372 7258
Fax: + 41 22 372 7169