Submit an idea or an action


Rue Gabrielle Perret-Gentil 4
1205 Genève

Sandrine Jonniaux
Sandrine Jonniaux
Responsable du programme PP +3P et du pôle formations
armelle fontaine
Armelle Fontaine
Coordinatrice de la plateforme PP +3P

Are you already carrying out a Patients as Partners action? We invite you to fill out the “Patients as Partners fact sheet” form. Your action will then be shown on the interactive map.

Do you have an idea to submit to us, an action to be developed as part of the partnership? We propose a tailored approach. Please fill out the “Idea to submit or new action to develop” form.

To support you in the creation of a partnership, for a project, care, training, etc., we suggest organizing the first meeting together. Decisions about the preparation, type of meeting, and recruitment of patients, caregivers, and professionals are made jointly.

During the meeting, your mission is to lead the conversation with the various partners to reach your objective.

The Patients as Partners project team is committed to establishing the partnership. Through moderation in the meeting , we ensure that a climate of trust is created, with respect of each person, and consideration of others and their expertise. Participant expression, listening to others, and empathy are observed during this session.

Your commitment as partners is the continued cooperation in the action taken, following this first meeting. For example: implementation of proposed solutions in response to the needs of the partners.

Since 2016, 44 partnerships have been created and 316 patients and caregivers are available and/or have already participated in these meetings.

Various discussion groups have been organized, focusing on the following topics:

  • hospital admission
  • return to home
  • Mon Dossier Médical [My Medical File]
  • signage in the Gustave Julliard building
  • organization of a hospitalization day at 2AL
  • chronic pain
  • value-related behavior in the Our Everyday Values project
  • comfort and safety during transport
  • evaluation of the patient information brochure
  • meal selection
  • creation of a patient concierge service
  • Reorganization of the pediatric emergencies admissions unit
Last update : 10/07/2024