Ecological transition in healthcare

Care Directorate

Rue Gabrielle Perret-Gentil 4
1211 Geneva 14

Sandra Merkli
Sandra Merkli
Care Director
Transition écologique dans les soins

In 2022, aware of the environmental impact of its healthcare activities, the HUG adopted a sustainability strategy for 2030. In order to achieve the objectives of the "climate and health" axis, a strategy for ecological transition in healthcare (ETC) has been developed.


Ecological transition in healthcare refers to the adoption of sustainable practices and measures aimed at reducing the environmental impact of the healthcare sector.

It encompasses a wide range of initiatives aimed at reducing the environmental impact and greenhouse gas emissions associated with medical and healthcare practices, promoting more eco-responsible care by combating waste and reducing the usage of single-use equipment, and promoting the training of healthcare professionals to support transformation and cultural change within the institution.


Implementing this ecological transition at the HUG involves five steps : taking stock of the current situation, creating a governance structure, establishing strategic priorities, organising collaborative workshops and drawing up an ETC strategy in order to create a community of practice.

déploiement TES


At the end of 2022, in order to steer and support this transformation, the position of Head of ecological transition in healthcare was created at the initiative of the Care Department and in collaboration with the Medical and Quality Department. The responsabilities of this role are to :

  • Steer and coordinate the deployment across the institution of the ETC action plan
  • Promote sustainable, environmentally friendly practices in healthcare
  • Raise awareness among healthcare professionals of the environmental issues and impacts associated with their field of activity
  • Support research into sustainable care practices
  • Guarantee training for medical and nursing staff on ecological transition in healthcare

It is Isabelle Da Ernestho Crespin who heads up the ecological transition in healthcare at the HUG through this position, the first of its kind in Switzerland.

Isabelle Da Ernestho Crespin
Mrs Isabelle Da Ernestho Crespin
Head of ecological transition in care
Strategic axes

The strategic axes of the ecological transition in healthcare stem from the actions of the "Climate and health" axis of the HUG's overall sustainability strategy developed by the hospital's Sustainability department.

The action plans for each area will be drawn up following collaborative workshops to be held in September 2023. These workshops will bring together staff identified by the medical departments to consider the deployment of actions and measures to achieve the objectives of each area. 

The various themes will be broken down into objectives through the participative approach of the collective workshops.

  • ETC axis 1 : Eco-responsible medical and nursing practices
  • ETC axis 2 : Me, as a healthcare professional
  • ETC axis 3 : Reducing wastage of medical equipment
  • ETC axis 4 : Research into sustainability in care

The aim of the governance of the ecological transition in healthcare is to develop and steer the implementation of a ETC strategy, ensuring that it is in line with the HUG's overall sustainability strategy.

This governance is essential to ensure effective collaboration and collective decision-making with a view to the sustainable transformation of medical and nursing practices.

It involves setting up decision-making structures and identifying and involving medical and paramedical leaders who will guide the community towards the achievement of common objectives. It also includes defining rules for member participation, arbitration management and communication within the community of practice. There are three levels : strategic, tactical and operational.

Gouvernance TES

To find out more, download the document "Governance of the ecological transition in healthcare"

Choosing greenly

Le projet Choosing Greenly s’inscrit dans la démarche institutionnelle de réduction de l’impact écologique des HUG, en étant l’un des projets pilotes de la TES pour adapter les pratiques des équipes médico-soignantes.
Il propose un volet de formation continue des professionnels et professionnelles de santé et la mesure de l’impact environnemental de pratiques de soins ciblées.
Dans sa démarche et les actions qu’il propose, le projet Choosing greenly est complémentaire au projet Smarter Medicine.
Choosing greenly bénéficie du généreux soutien de la Fondation privée des HUG

Last update : 28/11/2023