Pain Network


Rue Gabrielle Perret-Gentil 4
1205 Geneva

Sarah Kupferschmid

Mission of the Pain Network 

The HUG Pain Network aims to develop links between stakeholders on the ground involved in the fight against pain throughout HUG.

Its has a unifying role. This makes it possible to create synergies between divisions and between professions. It must identify common objectives, while respecting the specificities of the different divisions and the needs of individual patients.

Without seeking to replace the divisions, it aims to support fellow staff in their efforts, to continually improve the consideration of the experiences of patients who are suffering and the quality of analgesic care.

The network allows an exchange of ideas and a sharing of skills. It aims to create awareness of the resources present at HUG, both in terms of motivated and trained staff and in terms of technical resources, to ensure these resources are more widely used to relieve patients. More specifically, the mission of the Pain Network is as follows:

  • Improve the pain “trinity” at HUG: “Assessment - Treatment - Follow-up”
  • Promote information to patients and their close friends and relatives regarding managing pain
  • Promote the continuing education of staff in the field of pain
  • Promote pain management quality as a care quality criterion.

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Last update : 09/07/2024