Cycle 1 - Clinical supervision and feedback - 10 hours of training
Cycle 2 - Identifying and supporting interns in difficulty - 16 hours of training
- 2015: 62 clinical teachers trained (cycle 1)
- 2016: 26 clinical teachers trained (cycle 1)
- 2017: 48 clinical teachers trained (cycle 1)
- 2018: 31 clinical teachers trained (cycle 1), 12 clinical teachers trained (cycle 2)
- 2019: 43 clinical teachers trained (cycle 1), 18 clinical teachers (cycle 2)
- 2020: 35 clinical teachers in training (cycle 1)
- De Grasset J, Audetat MC, Bajwa N, Jastrow N, Richard-Lepouriel H, Nendaz M, Junod Perron N.Medical students' professional identity development from being actors in an objective structured teaching exercise. Med Teach. 2018 Apr 22:1-8. doi: 10.1080/0142159X.2018.1457212.
- Junod Perron N, Audetat MC, Mazouri S, Schindler M, Haller DM, Sommer J. How well are Swiss French physicians prepared for future practice in primary care? BMC Med Educ. 2018 Apr 4;18(1):65. doi: 10.1186/s12909-018-1168-4. PMID: 29615038
- Richard-Lepouriel H; Bajwa N; de Grasset Je; Audétat MC, Dominice Dao M, Jastrow Meyer N, Nendaz M, Junod Perron N. Medical students as feedback assessors in a Faculty development program: implications for the future. Med Teach 2019 – Published Online: 20 Jan 2020
- Bajwa M N, De Grasset J, Audétat MC, Jastrow N, Richard-Lepouriel H, Dominicé Dao M, Nendaz M, Junod Perron N. Training Junior Faculty to Become Clinical Teachers: The Value of Personalized Coaching. Med Teach 2020 –Published Online: 04 Mar 2020
- Burnout and stigma: to define whether certain personal factors predispose to certain facets of burnout and/or certain facets of stigmatization
- To explore clinical teachers’ teaching scripts
- Feedback: to assess clinical teachers’ ability to identify/integrate in their feedback key elements of simulated residents’ performance to maintain and improve
- Leadership/managerial skills: needs assessment among clinical teachers)