4th Symposium "Feeding the microbiota": February 7th 2019


4th Symposium GE-VD
Thursday, February 7th 2019, 13:00-17:00
Geneva University Hospitals (HUG), Geneva
Free Registration on http://nutrition-microbiota.org

Download the Program

Recent studies suggest that the gut microbiota plays a key role in the tolerance to and efficacy of some anti-cancer treatments.
It is therefore tempting to hypothesize that nutrition could modulate the gut microbiota, subsequently influence the immune system and finally impact on the prognosis of cancer patients.
A better understanding of the association between nutrition and gut microbiota could open up new therapeutic options for chronic diseases, as cancer.

Registration and information
Free Registration on http://nutrition-microbiota.org
For further informations please contact Mrs Carole Cowaloosur
carole.cowaloosur-noirat@hcuge.ch, 022 372 99 11

To create a group of physicians/scientists/health professional/industrial interested by the nutritional modulation of microbiota and its impact on energy metabolism.
All presentations will be in English.

Prof. Laurence Genton, Geneva, Switzerland
Prof. Jacques Schrenzel, Geneva, Switzerland

Scientific committee
L. Genton, G. Greub, F. Pralong, J. Schrenzel

Last update : 11/02/2019