This list is by no means exhaustive and there are also many other collaborators from other departments and units working with the center !
- Pediatric surgery division (FR)
- Transplant surgery division (FR)
- Pediatric specializations division (FR)
- General pediatrics division (FR)
- Pediatric intensive care division (FR)
- Clinical pathology division (FR)
- Pediatric gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition division (FR)
- Pediatric onco-hematology unit (FR)
- Pediatric radiology unit (FR)
- Pediatric anesthesiology uni (FR)t
- Pediatric pulmonology unit (FR)
- Pediatric infectious diseases unit (FR)
- Service de gastroentérologie et hépatologie (FR)
- Gastroenterology and hepatology division (FR)
- Interventional radiology unit (FR)
- Hypnosis in pediatrics (FR)
Intern physicians at the center
- Dre Isaline Chabbey
- Dre Kaia Kircher
Secretariat of the Swiss pediatric liver center : Monica Gosselke, medical secretary
- Simona Korff, clinical research coordinator
- Sarah Lachat
Communication : Cristina Späni Marguet, communication specialist
Social Work : Céline Prost, social assistant