Research & innovation

The NeuroCentre supports researchers in neuroscience. It facilitates multidisciplinary research by promoting links between departments and between neuroscientists.

Research & innovation


Laura Mifano


Giannina Rita Iannotti, PhD-PD


Centre de médecine virtuelle
Olivier Kannape


The NeuroCentre supports researchers in neuroscience. It facilitates multidisciplinary research by promoting links between departments and between neuroscientists. It also encourages the sharing of clinical data. This optimizes the transfer of information and facilitates the implementation of clinical studies.

The NeuroCentre provides practical support to research teams


The NeuroCentre works upstream of the initiation of neuroscience studies, for example during the evaluation, writing and revision of protocols or with submissions to ethics committees. The Clinical Research Centre (CRC), on the other hand, intervenes further downstream in the process. The NeuroCentre complements the work of the CRC.

Specifically, the NeuroCentre provides guidance, advice and support to researchers. It suggests external collaborations with specialists such as the Brain & Behaviour Laboratory, the Neurosciences Department at the University of Geneva, Campus Biotech, or the Swiss Foundation for Innovation and Training in Surgery (SFITS).

It provides research teams with nurses to collect data, for example by taking blood samples. The NeuroCentre also assists researchers in submitting projects to the Business Administration System for Ethics Committees (BASEC) portal and in drafting patient information and consent letters.

The NeuroCentre promotes clinical research to improve the diagnosis and treatment of brain damage.

     For more information, contact Giannina Rita Iannotti, NeuroCentre Coordinator:
     Tél : +41 (0)79 553 06 29
     E-mail :


HUG NeuroCentre and UNIGE Neurocenter – What’s the difference? 

The NeuroCentre of the HUG and the Neurocenter of the University of Geneva (UNIGE) do not carry out the same kind of research. The UNIGE centre carries out fundamental research, i.e. studies on animals and cells, whereas the HUG NeuroCentre specializes in clinical research. The two centres complement each other, working towards the same objective: to advance research.


NeuroCentre Talks 

The NeuroCentre organizes the NeuroCentre Talks, monthly conferences for professionals, in person and via videoconferencing. 

An abstract is published on this website to share this information with a wider public. 

NeuroCentre Talks



Last update : 13/03/2023

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