NC Talks: “Cortical heterotopias: out of place, but not out of order“

NC talks
Evénement professionnel

“Cortical heterotopias: out of place, but not out of order“


  • Pr Denis Jabaudon, Department of Basic Neurosciences, Faculty of medecine, UNIGE

Thursday, 20th of June 2024, 5 p.m. 

Without registration :

  • In person : HUG, bâtiment Prévost, aile Jura, bureau 7A-2-744/745 (bibliothèque de neurologie)
  • Visioconference
  • Flyer

NC Talks are seminars for professionals organized by the HUG NeuroCentre, with the aim of strengthening links between the HUG and research institutions, particularly in the Lake Geneva region.

Last update : 13/05/2024